FHWA has just published a major new report on electric
vehicles and the future which should become a major resource for transportation
policy makers. Entitled
“Feasibility and Implications of Electric Vehicle (EV) Deployment and Infrastructure
Development” (available here), the report lays out eight “credible” scenarios
for future deployment of electric vehicles and pursues all the implications of
those scenarios. This is
important, because we really can’t predict with any certainity what the market penetration
of EVs will be in 10 – let alone 50 – years. What we can do is
try to reason out what the likeliest outcomes are so we can better prepare for
For the record, I was a member of the consultant team that
prepared this report so I am – not surprisingly – an enthusiastic supporter of
the work done and the conclusions reached.
This is a big report (190 pages plus an extensive executive
summary) covering a lot of ground, so I won’t attempt to summarize it. What I will do is suggest what to me
are some key takeaways:
For the foreseeable future we will need to cope
with three incompatible standards for fast chargers (ugh),
Although most charging will happen at home,
charging options away from home and work will be critical in encouraging the
spread of pure battery (nonhybrid) EVs,
Proliferation of EVs will have a modest impact
on loss of gas tax revenues, especially compared to the loss of revenues
attributable to greatly improved gas mileage of standard vehicles (EV revenue loss
is still a real political issue, however),
Better wayfinding signage (including an
indication of “level” of charging) would be helpful,
The quantified “energy security benefit” of EVs
could be more than $1,000 by 2025,
More than 80% of the U.S. population lives in
areas where driving an EV produces significant GHG reductions over the average
gas vehicle,
The report suggests three policy “pathways” that
transportation agencies can pursue:
Market Response: “catching up to the PEV market
activity so that transportation agencies do not become an impediment to the
advancement of the technologies,”
Market Support: a “more active effort… to deliberately
keep pace with the deployment of vehicles and charging stations,” and
Market Acceleration: actively promoting the spread of EVs.
(Count me as a Market Accelerator. I believe vigorous and focused government action now can get
us to or beyond a tipping point for electrifying the transportation system,
which I think is the key to sustainability for the next few decades.)
Should transportation agencies actively support implementing
a network of fast chargers along the Interstate system? Based on demand alone, the report says
no. However, there are strong (I
think persuasive) arguments for promoting development on an intercity network:
“Reducing range anxiety to hasten the market
transition between early adopters and the early majority, thereby accelerating
PEV adoption,
Improving the practicality of BEVs, and
therefore their market share, advancing both climate change and energy
conservation goals,
Reducing the need for households to own a
“backup” ICE vehicle, which is likely to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
overall, and
Demonstrating the commitment of federal and
state governments to vehicle electrification.”
Congratulations to FHWA for undertaking some real strategic
planning about how to cope with the future of electric vehicles. I’m confident the work will pay off in
the future.