I was honored recently to take part in a festive 50th
birthday celebration for my agency “alma mater,” the New Jersey Department of
The agency itself is older than that, but it was officially
transformed from a highway department to a transportation department with
enactment of the Transportation Act of 1966. (Legislative geeks may be interested to note that the 1966
act didn’t repeal the old highway department statute: it just added a new
layer. The New Jersey transportation
laws are like an archeological dig, with stratified layers telling ancient
stories of old problems and policies.)
The highlight of the celebration was an appearance of 12
former commissioners and acting commissioners of the department, whose NJDOT
history went back as far as the 1950s.
The panel discussion of the 12 veterans included many reminiscences, a
few revelations, and lots of expressions of warm feelings toward each other and
toward the agency staff. I think
it reaffirmed the view of many of us that this is an organization with a real
heart and soul. Of course, the
warm and fuzzies at any such celebration avoid a lot of the more painful
episodes of the past, but on balance NJDOT has a lot to celebrate for the past
50 years and many exciting challenges to look forward to in the next 50!
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