Two years ago I wrote a series of blog postings, based on
site visits, about New England villages and the promise they hold for better,
more sustainable land use forms for the future.
One of my subjects was Canton, CT, a charming town centered
around a closed axe factory (!) with lots of potential (my blog posting
Clearly the townsfolk are
pursuing that potential, including by adopting a “form-based design code” for
four designated villages within the town.
That code was recently awarded a “Driehaus Form-Based Codes Award” by
Smart Growth America (story and links
What is form-based code? In a nutshell, I’d describe it as a zoning tool that
concentrates on the location, size, shape, and look of buildings rather than their
uses. The general intent is to get
away from rigid separation of land uses and instead encourage a mixture of
commercial and residential uses (e.g.,
residential over retail) that make for livelier, healthier, more resilient
communities. Typically these plans
have more images and less text than more conventional codes. From a transportation point of view,
this type of zoning promotes reduced automobile dominance, shorter trips, and
more walking and biking trips.
The Canton “Village Districts Form-Based Design Code” is
only one piece of a whole suite of local plans and regulations intended to
guide development and redevelopment in key areas of the town. Just flipping through the document will
give you a sense of what it covers: building form standards (frontages), urban
space standards (street types, streetscapes, civic spaces, etc.), architectural
standards (everything from windows to signs), adaptive reuse, affordable
housing, and more. Congrats to
Canton for taking another step forward in revitalizing a very cool town!
And by the way, for transportation people, the best document
to help towns tie mobility form planning and transportation planning is still (in
my slightly biased opinion)
Mobility and
Community Form: A Guide to Linking Transportation and Land Use in the Municipal
Master Plan.
This was
published in 2006 on my watch at New Jersey DOT and is still available on the
NDOT website (
Images below are: a building illustration from the Canton
plan, a view of the same building from my 2017 blog posting, and the famous
“Transect” image from the Mobility and Community Form document.